Friday, November 6, 2015

Adjustment Layer Blown Highlights Vintage Look

Creating a vintage look is not difficult. Blowing out highlights too is easy. All you need are Adjustment Layers in Photoshop. Why not combine blown highlights and vintage look together. The results turn out quite well if you are looking for that kind of effect.
I will be using this free stock image. You will find it here
It belongs to NerySoul
The image after processing.

Step 1 : Click the New Fill or Adjustment Layer button to bring p the list of Adjustments. We will be using only a few of them here. Precisely two.
Step 2 : Click on Curves.
Step 3 : Place the cursor in the middle.
Step 4 : Use the UP ARROW key to raise the point you clicked. Check the image and see the effect you want. There is no hard and fast rule for this.
My image looks  like this.
Step 5 : Click the Adjustment Layer button and click on Gradient Map.
The Gradient Map 1 Adjustment Layer forms.
The image looks like this.
Step 6 : Click where shown to bring up the Gradient Editor.
Step 7 : The Gradient editor opens. Click the Black Stop on the left. The Color changes to Black.
Step 8 : Set the Location to 25. Just type it in.
Step 9 : Click the White Stop at the right. Type 85 in the Location. Click OK.
The image looks like this.
Step 10 : Click the Adjustment button and click on Gradient Map again.
The Gradient Map 2 Adjustment Layer forms.
Step 11 : Click the Gradient to bring up the Gradient Editor.
Step 12 : Click the Red, Green Preset. Click OK.
The image looks like this.
Step 13 : Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.
The image looks like this.
Step 14 : Lower the Opacity of the Layer to 75%.
The completed image.
Other photoshop tutorials are here

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