Saturday, November 21, 2015

Color Look Up -- other options in Photoshop CS6

Pradip Chowdhury
I posted a tutorial on Color Lookup adjustment layers in Photoshop here
The new adjustment layers have 3DLUT File, Abstract and Device Link. These are used to give different looks to an image. The LUTs (lookup tables) are color adjustments that contains other adjustments and  primarily used in films. 
I will be using this stock image for demonstrating the new Color Lookup adjustment layers. 
You will find it here
It belongs to ulyce
Step 1 : Go to Layer > New >Group.
Step 2 : This dialogue box opens. You can give it a name. I am leaving it at the default Group 1. Click OK.
Step 3 : The Group 1 adjustment layer forms above the Background layer.
You will find the Color Lookup in the Adjustment panel. You can also access it from Layer>New Adjustment Layer >Color Lookup. Or you can access it from the bottom of the Layers pallet under Adjustment Layers -- Create or Fill New Adjustment Layer button. Click the Adjustment Layer icon. I am doing it from the Adjustment panel.
Step 4 : The properties panel opens. You can see the 3DLUT FIle, Abstract and Device Link options. Each of them have a drop down menu when you click on them.
Step 5 : Clicking on the 3DLUT File gives these options. I have chosen FallColors.Look.
Photoshop works it magic and this is how the image looks. Note the adjustments will vary from image to image. 
Step 6 : I am clicking the Color Lookup icon again.
Step 7 : I have now clicked on Abstract. From the drop down menu I have chosen Sienna-Blue.
The image undergoes another transformation. This is how it looks.
Step 8 : Click the Color Lookup icon again.
The Color Lookup adjustment layer 3 forms.
Step 9 : I have clicked Device Link and from the drop down menu clicked on TeaMagentaGold.
Step 10. Since the Color Lookup are adjustment layers you can do what you can with adjustment layers. Here I have lowered the opacity of the layer to 55%.
This is the finished image. You can use the three filters by themselves or in combination.
Other photoshop tutorials are here

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