Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cracked Texture

A Texture in Photoshop can give a different dimension to any image if you are looking for special effects. You can use any image and any Texture. You will find free high resolution textures on http://www.deviantart.com/
Textures look good when the image is in Black and White. A color image will do just as well. All you need to do is desaturate it.
This is the kind of effect you can create.
Download this free stock image. You will find it here
It belongs to SpellboundSeductress
Download this free Texture. You will find it here
It belongs to GrungeTextures
Step 1 : Desaturate both images by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+U.
Step 2 : Load the Texture (i.e. open the Texture image) on top of the image of the girl.
The image looks like this. The Texture Layer (Layer1) hides the Background Layer (the girl).
Note I have not resized the Texture. You can if you want to.
Step 3 : Keeping ALT pressed click on the Add Layer Mask button. A Black layer Mask forms on Layer1. It is the Texture Layer.
With the Black Layer Mask in place the image of the girl is revealed.
The Foreground Color changes to White.
Step 4 : Click the Brush Tool or just press b on the keyboard. You can change the size of the Brush with the [ ] (square brackets). Press ] (right square bracket) for increasing the size. Press [ (left square bracket) for decreasing the size. You will need to constantly change the dimension of the Brush as you paint. This is the easiest way to change the size. To Make the Brush soft press SHIFT+[ (left square bracket) and to make it hard SHIFT+] (right square bracket). We will be using a soft brush. A hard edged brush will not do.
Step 5 : In the top panel lower the Opacity of the Brush to 40%. You are now ready to paint.
Step 6 : Paint with the Brush to reveal the texture. You are painting only at 40% opacity therefore the more you paint the more of the texture is revealed. But be careful not to leave splotches as you make passes with the brush. Zoom in an out of the image while you paint.
Vary the size of the Brush as you paint using the the [ ] (square bracket) keys.
The body now has a cracked textured look. I have avoided touching he hair and the bikini, eyes, lips, hair and the bangle. That is all. You can also attempt the following additional steps if you want. But you should know how to use the Quick Selection Tool in PS CS5. You will find my tutorial on the Quick Selection Tool here. Alternatively you can use the Magnetic Lasso.
Download this Texture from here
Step 7 : Click on the Background Layer.
Step 8 : Click the Quick Selection Tool.
Step 9 : Select the girl. I am not fine tuning it as it is not necessary.
Step 10 : Press CTRL+SHIFT+I to invert the selection.
Step 11 : Click on Layer1.
Step 12 : Press CTRL+SHIFT+U to desaturate the Texture. Press CTRL+A (select all), then CTRL+C (copy).
Step 13 : Click back on the image of the girl with the selection still in place.
Step 14 : Press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+V to paste it into the selection. The texture is smaller than the image. It can be seen in the background.
Step 15 : Press CTRL+T for free transform. Press SHIFT+ALT and drag a corner handle and pull it outwards diagonally.
Step 16 : Press ENTER after resizing. The completed image.
Othe photoshop tutorials are here

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