Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lights and Darks

Sometimes for everyday photography or something a bit different the lights and darks in an image can be enhanced with just a couple of layers and a few basic tools to turn the image into something worth a second glance.
Again let me tell you that the image is not important, but the technique. It can be done in any version of photoshop.
This is a free stock image from
You will find it here
The same image after the steps I will describe.
You will find plenty of free stock images at
Step 1 : Make a new layer by clicking the New Layer button at the bottom of the Layers palette.
Step 2 : Click the Elliptical Marquee Tool. Note that the Feather in the top panel is set to 0.
Step 3 : Draw a selection. It may not be dead centre. Just nudge the selection into place with the arrow keys.
Step 4 : Go to Select>Modify>Feather.
Step 5 : Set a Feather Radius fairly large at say something like 150 pixels. Click OK.
Step 6 : Make sure that the Foreground/Background Colors are set to White/Black. If it is not press x and then d on the keyboard to restore the default setting.
Step 7 : Press CTRL+BACKSPACE to fill with the Background Color which is White.
Step 8 : Pres CTRL+D to deselect. The marching ants go away.
Step 9 : Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Step 10 : Decrease the Opacity of Layer 1 to around 75%.
The image looks like this. There were shadows below the model's eyes. They have been softened considerably.
Step 11 : CTRL+CLICK the Layer thumbnail of Layer1.
Step 12 : The selection reappears.
Step 13 : Press CTRL+SHIFT+I to inverse the selection.
Step 14 : Click the New Layer button. A new Layer 2 forms.
Step 15 : Press ALT+BACKSPACE to fill with the Foreground color or Black. 
Step 16 : Press CTRL+D to deselect.
Step 17 : Change the Blend Mode of Layer 2 to Soft Light. Lower the Opacity to 75%.
Here is the finished image. There is all that there is to it. This should work with most images.
This is another free stock image from
You will find it here
The same image after following the same process. 
Other photoshop tutorials are here

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