Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Logo Making - Part 3

This is a continuation of the Logo making tutorial. The second part is here.
This is how the logo looks so far.
Step 39 : Click on Layer 1, which is the Shield. Then Press CTRL+SHIFT+U. The shield immediately loses all trace of color and becomes a black and white image.
Step 40 : Go to Edit>Fade Desaturate.
Step 41 : When the Fade dialogue box opens reduce the Opacity by 50 %. Click ok.
This is how the image looks like. The text looks more prominent as the shield no longer is as bright as before.
Step 42 : Click the Effects in Layer 1. From the popup click on Drop Shadow.
Step 43 : In the Drop Shadow dialogue box I have set the Distance, Size and Spread sliders, then reduced the Opacity by 50%. Click ok.
The Drop Shadow has been added.
Step 44 : Click on the White Background layer.
Step 45 : Add some text to the Background layer. I have entered my text.

Step 46 : Go to Edit>Rasterize>Type.

Step 47 : The text has been Rasterized. You can make it out in the Layer thumbnail. Now CTRL+CLICK the layer thumbnail.
You will find the Text surrounded by 'marching ants'.
Step 48 : Click on the Gradient Tool and click the Gradient Editor in the top panel.
Step 49 : The Gradient Editor comes up. I have clicked on a particular Gradient. Apply theGradient to the rasterized Text layer.
Step 50 : Now reduce the Opacity of the Layer to 50 %.
Step 51 : This is how the image looks. Press CTRL+D to deselect and the 'marching ants go away. Step 52 : Go to Filter>Distort>Spherize.
Step 53 : The Spherize dialogue box open. Drag the Amount slider to 100%. The Mode should be Normal.

This is how the Image looks after applying the Spherize filter.
Step 54 : Click the Add Layer Style button and from the popup choose Drop Shadow.
Step 55 : I have left the default settings in Drop Shadow dialogue box and clicked ok.
The Drop Shadow has been added.
Step 56 : Remembr you were working on the layer below the Shield Layer. Keeping CTRL pressed click the Add New Layer button. This forms a blank layer below the Rasterised text layer.
Step 57 : I have chosen a new Gradient by clicking on it.
Step 58 : I have applied the Gradient.
Step 59 : I have gone to Filter>Artistic>Neon Glow.

Step 60 : The Neon Glow Dialogue box opens.
Step 61 : I am leaving it at the default settings and clicking ok.
The finished Logo. I have shown just what can be done. You can use a different Shape and different Gradients and Text and Layers Styles and come up with your own Logo. That's all for now.

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