Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Photo to painting in under a minute in Photoshop

You can change a photo to look like a water color painting in less than a minute with this Photoshop tutorial. It can be done in any version of Photoshop. First you need an image.

Step 1 : I have opened this free stock image. You can download it here.

Step 2 : Press CTRL+J to duplicate the Background Layer. Layer 1 forms.

Step 3 : Press CTRL+I. My image looks like this.

Step 4 : Click where the arrow points to in the Layers pallete to bring up the Blend Modes. Click on Color Dodge.

The image turns completely white.

Step 5 : Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.

Step 6 : The Gaussian dialogue box opens. Drag the Radius slider as much or as little as you want. You will be able to see the effect as you drag the slider on the image. Click OK when satisfied. I hae put the Radius at 30 pixels.

This is the effect I have got.

Just to show you another effect I hae dragged the Radius slider in the Gaussian Blur dialogue box to just 5 pixels.

And this is the effect I get. Therefore it depends on you on the sort of effect you are happy with.

I am changing the Radius of the Gaussian Blur to 60 pixels.

And, this is the result I have got.

Step 7 : Go to Layer>Merge Visible.

Both the Layers merge into the Background Layer.

Step 8 : Click on the Elliptical Mrquee Tool from the flyout in the left panel.

Step 9 : Draw out a large selection with the Elliptical Marquee Tool.

Step 10 : There is only one layer -- the background layer in the Layers pallete. Press ALT+Double Click the Background layer. It changes to Layer 0.

Step 11 : With the Elliptical marquee selection active, click on the Add Layer Mask button in the bottom of the Layers pallete and a layer mask forms next to the Layer thumbnail on Layer 0.

And, this is how my image looks.

Step 12 : Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.

Step 13 : The Gaussian Dialogue box opens. I have given a Radius of 60 pixels and clicked ok. The Radius you give will depend on your image.

Step 14 : Press CTRL+New Layer icon (green arrow). A new layer 1 forms beneath Layer 0.

Step 15 : Make sure that the Foreground Color is Black and Background White. Press CTRL+Backspace.

The Background layer fills with White.

Look in the Layers pallete. Layer 1 has filled with White.

Step 16 : Click on the Layer thumbnail on Layer 0. You will notice a tiny border around the layer thumbnail as you click. This means it is selected.

Step 17 : Click on the Add Layer Style button (red arrow), then from the pop up menu click on Drop Shadow.

Step 18 : Place the cursor in the middle of the image with the Layer Styles dialogue box opens. You will be able to move the Drop Shadow anywhere you want. Do not click OK.

Step 19 : In the Drop Shadow controls lower the Opacity to between 40 to 50 %. Increase the Size to 8 and leave the Spread alone. Click OK.

Step 20 : Click the Move tool and position the vignette in the middle. That is all.
Other photoshop tutorial are here.

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