Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop CS5

You can create simple backgrounds with blobs of paint applied with the Brush Tool and also add a texture to create a poster. I will again demonstrate the Quick Selection Tool.
This is the effect I will achieve.
Step 1 : I will be using this free stock image which you will find here
It belongs to mjranum-stock
Step 2 : We will use the Quick Selection Tool. The more you use it the more you want to use it. Click the Add to Selection in the top bar. Those of you who do not have this feature, will have to use the Pen Tool or the Magnetic Lasso.
Click the links to be taken to the tutorials.
Step 3 : Make a rough selection of the image first with the Quick Selection Tool. Don't worry if some additional areas are selected.
Step 4 : Zoom into the image to see the selection clearly.
The Add to Selection icon has already been checked.
Step 5 : The Quick Selection Tool works just like a Brush. You can increase its size by pressing the ] (right square bracket) and to decrease it [ (left square bracket). Note the plus sign in the Quick selection Tool. It means that the Add to Selection has been checked.
Step 6 : Decrease the size of the brush and selecting the strand of hair is a breeze.
Step 7 : To Subtract from the selection you need not go to the top panel. Just press ALT and click. 
Step 8  : I have selected in between the strand of hair by subtracting from the selection by keeping ALT pressed.
Step 9 : Some portion of the hair has not been selected in the first pass with the Quick Selection Tool.
Step 10 : Release the ALT and the cursor returns to the plus sign. Select the additional portion.
Step 11 : I am selecting another strand of hair with the Quick Selection Tool. For the space in between where the background shows through I am keeping ALT pressed to Subtract from the selection. That is how the Quick selection works.
Step 12 : The right side of  the boot is unselected.
Step 13 : Since the default is selected to the Add to selection just drag gently to select the unselected portion.
Step 14 : The portion between the boot and lace is unselected.
Step 15 : Press ALT  to subtract from the selection and drag with the Quick Selection Tool in the unselected area. The area is selected. You can see how easy it is to use.
Step 16 : Select the area inside the lace keeping ALT pressed or subtracting from the selection.
Step 17 : You can make fine selections like these by adding and subtracting from the selection by altering the size of the brush from large to small and small to large.
Step 18 : The selection is complete.
Step 19 : Go to Select>Refine Edge.
Step 20 : The Refine Edge dialogue box opens.
Step 21 : The view is set to On White. You are therefore seeing the selection on white. You can also set it to the other options.  Setting it on white has a number of advantages which I will show you.
Step 22 : It also has a Zoom Tool.
Step 23 : Zoom into the image. Since we are viewing on white, you can see the edges clearly. They are quite ragged.
Step 24 : Drag the Smooth slider slightly. The edges smooth out. Next drag the Contrast slider to bring back some of the detail. The Smooth and Contrast sliders work hand in hand.
 Step 25 : Now check the Smart Radius and move the slider gradually. If needed use the Smooth and Contrast sliders to make some refinements.
The raggedness of the edges go away.
Step 26 : Sometimes it helps to use the Shift Edge slider to correct the edge either by moving it to the right to add and to the left to subtract.
Step 27 : Check the Decontaminate Colors if the edges retain slight color while cutting out from the background. You can move the slider to increase the value or till the color has been removed.
Step 28 : Now to set the Output to. If you want to refine the edges further you can set it to New Layer with Mask. To see what can be done see the tutorial here
You may see the tutorial. What it does is do these steps all over again on a separate layer i.e. it refines the selection further. But this is not necessary here. The selection already created will do perfectly. I think that the Refine Edge has overkill capabilities. In the first place, the selection made with the Quick Selection Tool is quite good. Perfection is achieved with a single pass of the Refine Mask. A second pass is not necessary, at least in this case.
 I will be setting the Output to New Layer. 
Before clicking OK, check the Show Radius to see what it does.

You can see the radius that has been affected.
Check the Show Original.
You can see the original selection. Now click OK.
Step 29 : The image is placed on a transparent background.
The Layers palette looks like this. Photoshop has turned off the Background Layer.
Step 30 : Press CTRL+Click New layer icon. A new Layer 1 forms below the Background copy layer.
The Foreground/Background Colors are set to the default Black/White.
Step 31 : Press ALT+BACKSPACE. The layer fills with the Foreground Color which is Black in this case.
 They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If the selection was not perfect, the edges would have shown immediately after filling the layer with Black.
Step 32 : But just to be doubly sure, click on the Background copy layer.
Step 33 : Go to Layer>Matting>Remove White Matte.
Step 34 : Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light.
The image looks like this.
Step 35 : CTRL+Click  the New layer icon. A new Layer 2 forms under Background copy layer.
Step 36 : Click the Foreground Color to bring up the Color Picker.
Step 37 : Click on the Spectrum or move the sliders to select a color, then click in the panel at left to select a shade. I have chosen a light orange. Click OK.
The Foreground Color changes to the Color picked.
Step 38 : Click the Brush Tool.
Step 39 : Click in the top panel to bring up the Brush controls. Set the Hardness to 0.
Step 40 : Press the ] (right square bracket) repeatedly till you get a large Brush. Click once with it.
Step 41 : CTRL+Click the New Layer icon. A new Layer 3 forms under Layer 2.
Step 42 : Bring up the Color Picker. Click on a light green shade.
Step 43 : Make he Brush a bit smaller by pressing the [ (left square bracket) and click once.
Step 44 : CTRL+click the New Layer icon. A new Layer 4 forms under Layer 3.
Step 45 : Bring up the Color Picker and select a light lilac color.
Step 46 : Make the brush a bit smaller and click once.
 Step 47 : Click CTRL+T for Free Transform. A selection forms.
Step 48 : Click SHIFT+ALT and drag the middle handle down. It will be resized proportionately.
Step 49 : Move the selection down. Drag out the middle corner handles till it seems like a spotlight on the floor. Press ENTER to apply the selection.
Step 50 : Click on Layer 2.
Step 51 : Press CTRL+T. A selection forms.
Step 52 : Right click inside the selection and from the pop up that appears click on Skew.
Step 53 : Drag the corner handles to Skew as you wish. Press ENTER to apply the transformation.
Step 54 : Click on Layer 1.
Step 55 : Download this free stock image from here and open it in Photoshop.
Step 56 : Press v (shortcut for Move Tool), press shift and move the music notes image to the other one.
Step 57 : Press SHIFT+ALT and drag a corner handle up to resize proportionately. Press ENTER.
Step 58 : Decrease the Opacity of the Layer 5 to 20%.
The image looks like this.
Step 59 : Decrease the Opacity of Layer 3 to around 40%.
Step 60 : The green blob has diminished.
Step 61 : Click on Layer 5. It is the music notes layer.
Step 62 : Zoom Out.
Step 63 : Press CTRL+T for Free Transform. Click inside the selection and click on Warp from the popup.
Step 64 : The warp mesh can be seen.
Step 65 : Warp the handles as you wish so that the music notes bend in different directions. Press ENTER after warping. For Photoshop 7, you can try Skew and Distort.
The image looks like this.
Step 66 : Click on on the Background copy layer.
Step 67 : Click the fx button. from the pop up click on Drop Shadow.
Step 68 : The Drop Shadow dialogue box opens. Click OK without any change in the settings.
Step 69 : Right click the fx icon and click on Create Layer.
Step 70 : This dialogue box pops up. Click OK.
Step 71 : The Background copy's Drop shadow layer appears. Click on the layer to select. It is not selected by default.
Step 72 : Press CTRL+T for Free Transform.
Step 73 : Right click inside the selection and click on Skew.
Step 74 : Skew the top left and bottom left handles by dragging. Press ENTER.
Step 75 : Drop the Opacity of the Layer to around 50%.
The finished image.
Other photoshop tutorials are here

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