Thursday, November 12, 2015

Selective Color for color correction

Selective Color is a powerful tool found in all versions of Photoshop, which can be used for color correction along with Levels and Curves. It make look a trifle confusing at first sight. You have to give yourself some time and you can do it too. I will try to make it as easy as possible to understand. You must remember that each photo is different. There no rules on how you will proceed. The adjustments I will make will be specific to a particular image. But it will give a fair idea for you to proceed on your own.
To access it go to Image>Adjustments>selective Color.
It is always better to use Selective Color as an adjustment layer. In CS5 you can see where it is found.
There is no harm in accessing Selective Color from Image>Adjustments>Selective Color. Just press CTRL+J to duplicate the Background Layer. You will be making the adjustments on the duplicate layer, so the original is not affected,
 I will be using this free stock image to demonstrate Selective Color. You will find it here
Here is the final image after color correction with Selective Color.
Step 1 : This is Selective Color as an Adjustment Layer.
This is Selective Color accessed by going to Image>Adjustments>Selective Color.
As I said it looks quite confusing at first.
Step 2 : The Colors from the drop down list perhaps adds to the confusion. But everything will fall into place once you get started. Also note  that it is not necessary that you will have to use all the colors or the sliders.
Step 3 : Let us begin with the Reds. There are sliders for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.
Step 4 : What happens if I pull the Cyan slider all the way to the right?
The red in the image increases.
Step 5 : What happens when I drag the Cyan slider all the way  to the right?
The reds go away from the image. Instead you can see the green and yellows increase.
Step 6 : I have given certain settings to the Reds. What you need to do is to study your image first. This will help you in determining how you move the sliders.
The image looks like this. The reds are now muted, while the greens and yellows show up.
Step 7 : Let us go the Yellows.
Step 8 : I have dragged the Cyan slider in the Yellows to the left all the way.
The yellow increases, so too the red.
Step 9 : I have dragged the Cyan slider to the right.
The greens increase. The red fades.
Step 10 : Again I have given certain settings. The Black adds or decreases the contrast.
This is how the image looks.
Step 11 : I have next selected the Greens. I have given some settings which has not affected the skin tones, but brightened up the greens and yellows a trice.
The image looks like this. You may not be able to notice the change in the greens and yellows, because it is just a trifle.
Step 12 : I have gone to the Cyans. All the sliders are at 0. This is because none of the sliders have any effect on the image.
Step 13 : I have next gone to the Blues. Again none of the sliders work.
Step 14 : The Magenta sliders don't work either. Therefore all the sliders set to 0.
Step 15 : I have next gone to the Whites. I have given certain settings.
Step 16 : The sliders have only affected the bit of blue in the sky. The rest of the image remains unaffected.
Step 17 : Next I have gone to the Neutrals. This is important. I have dragged the Cyan slider all the way to the left.
The image acquires a red cast.
Step 18 : I have moved the Cyan slider all the way to the right.
The image acquires a greenish cast. Clearly a middle point has to  be found. The Neutrals therefore plays an important part in color correction.
Step 19 : I have given these adjustments. The figures are unimportant. See how the sliders affect the image.
The image looks like this.
Step 20 : I have next moved to the Blacks. I have moved the Cyan slider some distance to the left.
Step 21 : The image acquires a red cast. Clearly Blacks are also very important.
Step 22 : I have given these settings for the Blacks.
The final image. You should not hesitate to go through the Selective Colors again to apply a tweak if needed. Remember that the Whites, Neutrals and Blacks play an important part in Selective Color.
Other photoshop tutorials are here 

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