Saturday, October 31, 2015

Polka Dots with Clipping Mask

This is yet another Photoshop tutorial on creating Polka dots. The earlier tutorial is here. For this tutorial learn how to make the Polka Dots with a clipping Mask.

Step1 : Open a new White Layer in Photoshop.

Step 2 : Click the Add New Layer in the Layers pallette and a new Layer 1 forms above the Background Layer.

Step 3 : Click on the Elliptical Marquee Tool.

Step 4 : Press Shift and draw out a perfect circle. Make it a large circle. Use the cursor to position it in the middle.

Step 5 : Click the Pattern Stamp Tool.

Step 6 : In the top panel click to reveal the default Patterns pallete. When You click it you will see the Patterns available in you version of Photoshop.

Step 7 : Click the tiny arrow to reveal the other Patterns available in your version. I have downloaded some free patterns from the internet. But we are not bothered about the other Patterns. We will make do with the default ones.

Step 8 : Click the icon in the top panel to reveal the Brushes. Click the Brush Tip Shape. I have chosen Brush 19 which is a Hard Brush. Drag the Mater Diameter till the line at the bottom separates into dots. I have dragged 125 pixels.

Step 9 : Click on Patterns in the top panel. I have clicked on the second one called 'Tie and Dye'.

Step 10 : Click with the Pattern in within the circle as shown here.

Step 11 : Go to Filter>Distort>Spherize.

Step12 : The Spherize dialogue box opens. The default Amount is 100 %. Click OK.

The dots have been Spherized.

Step 13 : Press CTRL+J. Layer 1 duplicates into Layer 2.

Step 14 : Click the Move Tool.

Step 15 : Use the Move Tool to move the layer to the left. Press CTRL+T. A selection forms around the dots.

Step 16: Press SHIFT+ALT. Grab a corner handle and you will be able to resize the dots proportionately. Press Enter after the resizing. The selection will diappear.

Step 17 : Press CTRL+J. Layer 2 duplicates into Layer 2 copy.

Step 18 : Use the Move Tool to move the dots layer  to the left bottom.

Step 19 : Press CTRL+J. Layer2 copy duplicates into Layer 2 copy 2.

Step 20 : Use the Move Tool to move the new dot layer to the top right.

Step 21 : Prss CTRL+J. Layer 2 copy 2 duplicates into Layer 2 copy 2.

Step 22 : Use the move tool to move the  dots on this layer to the left bottom corner.

Step 23 : In Step 21 you were on Layer 2 copy 3. Press Shift and click on Layer 1. All the layers are highlighted.

Step 24 : Press CTRL+E. All the layers are combined into one layer -- Layer 2 copy 3.

Step 25 : CTRL+Click the layer thumbnail on Layer 2 copy 3.

Step 26 : You will find a selection of  'marching ants' selecting the polka dots.

Step 27 : I have opened this free stock image. Press CTRL+A (select all) then CTRL+C (copy)

Step 28 : Go to the other image and press CTRL+V. The photo I have chosen is a large one. It covers the polka dots entirely. Press CTRL+T. You will notice corner handles appear.

Step 29 : Press SHIFT+ALT and drag the corner handle down. Then drag it up with Move Tool and resize again and again till the photo fits over the Polka Dots.

Step 30 : The photo has been resized over the Polka Dots. Press Enter to apply the transformation.

Step 31 : Look in the Layers pallete. The photo is now on top of the Polka Dot layer (layer 2 copy 3).

Step 32 : Press ALT and click exactly on the edge of layer 2 copy 3 and Layer 1 (the photo). A small black dot will appear. This will clip the layer.

Step 33 : And ,there is your Polka dots created with a clipping layer. You can leave it at that. You can also do the additional steps.

Step 34 : Click on the Background Layer.

Step 35 : Make sure your Foreground Color is setto Black. If not press 'x' and then 'd' on your keyboard.

Press Alt+Backspace. The Background Layer fills with Black.

Step 36 : Go to Filter>Texture>Texturiser.

Step 37 : The Texture dialogue box opens filling you screen.

Step  38 : Look at the controls at the panel on the right. You can choose the texture you want from the drop down. I will be using the Brick texture. I am leaving it at the default settings. Click ok.

And, hee is the completed image.

Other photoshop tutorials are here.

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